

I don't even know where to start, you can feel his energy before you even turn it on. This is an absolutely divine tool for self-love, healing and manifestation. Once I used it and cried a lot. So many emotions and past experiences that I have been stuck on my body. I really feel like I've released a lot, but still have a lot of work to do, highly recommended. "

Product Category

Free yourself


"I accept this world as my own, and I will accept every image I see. I will no longer feel bitter about not being able to have sex with art. I will look at this world with unconditional love. And when I see something outrageous or disturbing, I will see it as wonderful, and feel lucky I am witness and sibling to the strange madness of humans, and feel happy."






Intimacy redefined


Meet our latest dual vibrator , made to induce a blended G-spot and clitoral orgasm - the holy grail of all sexual pursuits.




